Hi Reader,
It's been a wild week.
There was the vacation that (almost) didn't happen. The home improvement project that ran three days over schedule. And some long drives with the kiddo that always seemed perfectly timed to the exact middle of a snowstorm.
When we had to put our vacation on hold, it felt like we were dropped into survival mode: every ounce of energy was going toward just getting through the day. Then, when late in the week we were freed up, we had a choice to make. Did we have it in us to try to go away and salvage some of our vacation? Or should we just stay put, conserve energy, and rest?
The practical choice felt clear. We were already exhausted, crabby, and stressed. Going away seemed like a surefire way to push ourselves over our limit. But...
"We need some joy," said Albert. And he was right.
We were only away for three days, but those days were magic. There were waffles with whipped cream and pizza munched in the car, snowballs and sledding, an expedition to a tiny bookstore and even an unheard of 8am toddler sleep-in.
And even though we were coming back to the same challenges we'd left, we were more energized and more hopeful about getting through them.
Sometimes joy looks like the harder path, but in the end, it's the easier one.
When you're in a tough spot, it's easy to think you should just conserve energy until you get through it. But often a little fun or a change of pace helps jolt you out of survival mode and restore your sense of optimism.
Also in this edition: an absolutely mega list of ways to feel grounded when emotions are running high, some joyful snippets of what I've been reading and watching lately, and One Thing to help when joy is hard to find.
If not joy, then joy's direction.
This idea comes from a post I read recently by Harper Jones, who coined it during a particularly bleak winter in his life, involving an acrimonious divorce, unemployment, the loss of his house, and a child's mental illness. He writes:
If joy feels unavailable right now, that's ok. Ask yourself: what's one thing I can do to move in joy's direction?
I lost my sh*t this week. I'm pretty level-headed most of the time and have a good sense of perspective but every now and then something tips me over the edge.
What I noticed in that moment was that none of the things that work for more garden variety anxiety were at all effective. Deep breathing? Nope. Going for a walk? Tried it, and stewed the whole time. Thinking kind thoughts? I suddenly couldn't find a single one. So, I asked you: what helps you feel grounded when you're feeling highly overwhelmed or activated?
And you came THROUGH. The answers are so good and so varied. I didn't realize there were so many different ways to bring yourself down from an activated state. I learned about a lot of new techniques, some of which are evidence-based, and I've linked out to some of these here. I also heard from a lot of you who said that you were struggling with this too, so I hope this list helps you find something new for your tough day toolkit!
This Indigo Girls Tiny Desk Concert was 22 mins of pure, nostalgic joy for me.
To stave off the late winter doldrums, I'm welcoming the return of the lovely Masterpiece interpretation of All Creatures Great and Small, and revisiting some favorite gentle shows from this post.
- Amil Niazi on the good parts of parenting
- Jennifer Senior, in a truly awesome piece about the age we feel in our heads
"The body seems to feel beauty when exposed to it as it feels the campfire or sunshine, entering not by the eyes alone, but equally through all one's flesh like radiant heat."
- John Muir
Designer, bestselling author, and founder of the School of Joy. I help people find more joy in life and work through design. Join more than 45,000 readers who receive our weekly treasure trove of science-backed tips, delightful discoveries, and inspiration for living a better life.
Hi Reader, "Mom, do you know how to play musical chairs?" This week, G started summer camp. He's 4 and there are a lot of things that are new to him, so sometimes I just say no for the delight of hearing him explain them. He proceeds to walk through all the rules in detail. "So, did you play musical chairs at camp today?" I ask when he's finished. "No." "Oh, why not?" I ask. "It's too stressful," he says. It's hard to describe the joy and pride I feel in this moment. You see, I hated musical...
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Hi Reader, When things get good in your life, does something bad always seem to happen? I used to think that this was just bad luck. But recently I've realized that this pattern can be a sign of something called an upper limit problem. The idea, coined by psychologist Gay Hendricks, is that each of us has a certain tolerance for happiness. When something happens to exceed that threshold, we often engage in unconscious, self-sabotaging behaviors to bring our happiness back down to a more...